The Ring cannot effect Tom Bombadil because he is outside the whole issue of Power and Domination; Tolkien uses Tom as an allegory that even this intense struggle between “good and evil” is only part of the whole picture of existence.
...he is an abstract concept; possibly the embodiment of Arda itself, a veritable "Father Nature", or some kind of 'spirit' which, unlike the Maiar, was of a non-divine nature. Not only does the Ring have no effect on him, but Tom himself seems unable to affect the Ring in return. This shows that Tom was outside the divine plan and struggle and had no position in it.
As a being that does not know hunger for power or any other form of personal corruption, the One Ring can hold no power over him and would be no more than a meaningless bauble.
A perfect anarchist archetype.
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8Petros [Signal: Petros.63]
— (Internet)Niech mi ktoś jeszcze raz powie o głupich prawakach, co się niczego nigdy nie nauczą, to mentalnie sponiewieram.
#Niesporczaki na #Marsa!
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Badania molekularne nowo odkrytego gatunku niesporczaka rzucają światło na niebywałą odporność tych stworzeń na promieniowanie jonizujące.Dziennik Naukowy
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