@Niepopularna opinia Bóbr Kurwa to pierwszy znany mi przypadek udanego użycia #AI / #SI jako narzędzia artysty. Są to oczywiście - z definicji - kolaże, ale, z racji ich zamierzonego pastiszu i surrealizmu, niedostatki maszynowego obrazowania tworzą dodatkowo atmosferę prymitywizmu i wręcz dadaizmu.
Gdyby osoba twórcza zechciała jeszcze dodać alt-texty (może treść użytego promptu?), z wielką przyjemnością podbiłbym ten kanał dalej w świat.
#kolaż #collage #pastisz #pastiche #surrealizm #surrealism #prymitywizm #primitivism #dadaizm #dadaism #dada #art
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
Looking for a #biology #history #nerd person, who has already or would like to enumerate similarities and differences between #epigenetics and #Lysenkizm. To my layman's eye it looks like the latter has been granted at least some merit through the former.
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in reply to 8Petros [Signal: Petros.63]
Or we can try something more practical, realistic, and more likely to actually be accepted by Americans (as opposed to anarchism), like state socialism.
in reply to ☭ 𝗖 𝗔 𝗧 ☭
8Petros [Signal: Petros.63]
— (Internet)State is a state, is a state. And the state always claims to be "more practical, realistic, and more likely to actually be accepted" - be it socialist, capitalist or feudal. Have fun, anyway.
Czy komuś z Was żona/partnerka/significant other, słysząc jak #Milva śpiewa #AdiosMuchachos i #Brechta, przynosi ostatnie piwo z lodówki, mówiąc "słyszę, że masz nostalgię muzyczną, a to znaczy że potrzebujesz więcej trunku"?
Kocham @kanako !
Kocham @kanako !
timorl likes this.
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
Kto nie suszył wątróbek, nie miał wypchanych kieszeni żwaczami, nie nosił gotowanych serc..ten nie wie nic o treningu…
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
#Israel #Palestine #Holland #Apartheid #Genocide #Maccabi #Amsterdam
Maccabi Tel Aviv Thugs Made Israeli Apartheid Relatable
Come to a foreign country gaming for a fight, receive street justice and have the world leap to your defence – if you didn’t know a thing about Israel and Palestine last week, you do now, writes Rivkah Brown.Novara Media
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You know you are #woke, when you cannot read an old good urban fantasy without asking silly questions, like:
- why everyone in the story is cishet, including shapeshifters, except for one character everyone hates for selfishness (changing body shape and gender at a whim) and being a pervert;
- why every "monster" (shapeshifters, vampires so far) are only acceptable if held under rigid hierarchical structures (even werecats!);
- why - in the world where blood magic is fundamental - the female protagonist never ever gets menstrual bleeding, let alone PMS?
- why everyone in the story is cishet, including shapeshifters, except for one character everyone hates for selfishness (changing body shape and gender at a whim) and being a pervert;
- why every "monster" (shapeshifters, vampires so far) are only acceptable if held under rigid hierarchical structures (even werecats!);
- why - in the world where blood magic is fundamental - the female protagonist never ever gets menstrual bleeding, let alone PMS?
in reply to 8Petros [Signal: Petros.63] • • •