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#bookks #scifi
Looking for the source of

“A fulltime freelance hero at your service, ma’am,” I said. “You got any heroing needs doing, I’m your man.”

Can't sleep, can't eat, drinking doesn't help.

#Polish #trans #activist #fundraising #transit #MutualAid

Dear friends, known and unknown. The person in question I know for a while as a good comrade and someone who helps others a lot (while she seems to be a pain in the back sometimes - once you read her story, you will know why).
I vouch for her and I kindly and humbly insist that you try to help her. Beyond her personal story, having a transition here in Poland is a tedious, cruel and humiliating process. The financial inaccessibility adds insult to injury and makes it even worse.

Please help.

Which #wiki #farm? We have a #Debian #VPS, where, among others, we wish to have a wiki farm to provide platforms for our various projects, internal and external.
The short list is:
- #Xwiki, with its native farming system, high modularity and and groupware flavour.
- #DokuWiki which is simpler and has a dedicated Farmer plugin.

I am looking for some insight from maintainer/developer perspective, as we will need a lot of customisation, automated workflow, export/import and other bells and whistles. Also, resource intensity?

Please kindly flood me with your opinions. :-)

in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

See… which contains my thoughts as a developer of both XWiki and DokuWiki. Regarding farm support, DokuWiki farms are relatively isolated wikis that share code, configuration and potentially users. On the other hand, in XWiki farms are quite integrated, for example links between subwikis can be easily created and search can work across wikis. Having many subwikis in XWiki makes upgrades harder as there are manual steps in each wiki.

TW: Opis przemocy wobec dziecka

Opowieść Wigilijna Dickensa jako mocny tekst polityczny z odniesieniami do współczesności

Zażarty kapitalista zmienia swój stosunek do społeczeństwa i pracowników dopiero pod groźbą śmierci i mąk wieczystych.


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Jest tłumaczone.

[...]zachodni projekt cywilizacyjny kontra rosyjski projekt wojenny, progresywizm kontra obskurantyzm, podporządkowanie się zachodniej hegemonii kontra podporządkowanie się imperializmowi terytorialnemu, ultraliberalny nacjonalizm kontra ultrakonserwatywny nacjonalizm. Punkt, w którym te dualizmy się zbiegają, jest również ich punktem krytycznym: nieokiełznane działania policyjne, polityka uniemożliwiająca życie, eksploatacja zasobów naturalnych w ramach globalnego rynku imperialnego, zubożenie ludności w zamian za gospodarcze i geostrategiczne sojusze z obcymi mocarstwami.

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