This is the most important comment I have heard this week — Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk:
“500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them against 140 million Russians […] Europe, if there is something we lack today, it is not economic or demographic power, but the belief that we are truly a global force.”
I think Tusk hits the bullseye here. Those 140 million Russians are already fully occupied by fighting Ukraine, and our leaders act like we are Liechtenstein.
reshared this
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •I think what we are lacking is a sense of unity.
There is still way too much nationalism and protection in the heads of most Europeans and most European politicians.
Especially the far right-idiots fail to understand that we need a strong united Europe not a bunch of little countries fighting each other. Now more than ever.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Send Europe's equivalent of Seal Team Six to snatch Putin and deliver him to the The Hague.
A fantasy of course but that would solve everyone's problems, wouldn't it?
Henrik B. Andersen
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Noautocrats
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Russssty
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Chris Wenham
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Hey what's wrong with Liechenstein? Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtesnstein, was the one to give a home and money to Curt Herzstark, inventor of the legendary Curta pocket mechanical calculator.
Before then, Curt had been forced to stop work on his calculator by the Nazis, who forced him to make precision instruments for the German army, and then threw him into Buchenwald until U.S. troops liberated it.
See? Seeeeee? Eh? Eeeeeh? Liechtenstein.
(pic Wikipedia)
Roy Brander🇨🇦
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •I don't know how to re-post this over to here, so I'll just repeat:
There's real "Iraq War Energy" on the front page of the Post this morning.
The attitude towards the importance of other countries;
"Zelensky doesn't hold the cards" == "The support of every other country combined is as nothing compared to the USA."
And "...not a smart strategy" was very Iraq-War editorial. Nothing about ILLEGAL or IMMORAL, just "bad strategy".
It's like calling the Mafia a "bad life strategy".
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •That's a totally useless comparison of the Polish PM.
It doesn't matter how many people a country or Union has, the only thing that matters in the 'Age of the Bullies' is the actual military power.
And Europe - like it or not - is a dwarf in this regard compared to the USA.
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to gekko3k • •João Costa 💚🇵🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •It really is pathetic. We could have helped Ukraine to end the war already. But, it's not too late if we act now: urgently boost military production in European countries and invest massively on defence at home and in Ukraine.
Russians losing. Let's get it through the line and help Ukraine defeat them this year.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Yes. It's so weird that rich nations cower before Putin. Russia is on the skids and more sanctions could crash their economy which is smaller than California. Why do people believe Putin's propaganda fantasies? That is why Biden not giving Ukraine everything they needed on Day One makes me absolutely furious!!…
Russia's Minuscule Economy: The Mouse That Roars
www.ipi.orgGold gab ich für Eisen
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Catalin George Busila
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •mcSlibinas
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Morten Kjeldgaard
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Filippo Gonteri
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Another imaginary sandwich bar (not as funny)
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •The Janx Devil
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Milly
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Poland is going to be a more important player in EU in the future. Not to mention they're (still?) the third largest military power in NATO and largest in the EU.
I think it was Tusk I listened to a radio program about. He could become the next Merkel going by what that program said.
All speculation of course.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Alex
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •one way to muscle up is to start issuing ITAR right back at the US.
The US doesn't make all of its own weapons, and relies on Europe for a bunch of weapon components. Maybe Europe gets to start saying where the US gets to use or transfer weapons with European components.
That was kind of handwaved away while the US was a friendly ally and global hegemon. But if things are going to be fraught and transactional....
lord pthenq1
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •"Este es el comentario más importante que he escuchado esta semana: el primer ministro polaco Donald Tusk:
“500 millones de europeos están pidiendo a 300 millones de estadounidenses que los defiendan contra 140 millones de rusos […] Europa, si hay algo que nos falta hoy en día, no es poder económico o demográfico, sino la creencia de que somos verdaderamente una fuerza global”.
Creo que Tusk da en el blanco aquí. Esos 140 millones de rusos ya están totalmente ocupados luchando contra Ucrania, y nuestros líderes actúan como si fuéramos Liechtenstein."
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •sleepy62🍁🛠️ 🖥️ 🔬 🌞
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Interesting how the recent #US behavior has resulted in a massive shift outside of the US. In a sense it has totally backfired.
#Canada is now more united than at any point in its history, and the #EU is finally waking up and stepping into its leadership role.
We can now all collectively give the big middle finger to the USA.
#cdnpoli #Canada #Europe
+bonifartius 𒂼𒄄
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •xs4me2
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Exactly, and allow themselves being bullied by a megalomaniac demented idiot…
Hope the wakeup call is there now.
George Saich
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Xabi
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Jan Fanøe
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Pooka🍸Boo 👁🫣🫵
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Lysistratos 🌐🇪🇺🇩🇪
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •WHO:
>an alarming number of people continue to face food insecurity and malnutrition as global hunger levels have plateaued for three consecutive years, with between 713 and 757 million people undernourished in 2023—approximately 152 million more than in 2019 when considering the mid-range (733 million)<
>>and our leaders act like we are Liechtenstein.
Just sayin'.
Dаn̈ıel Раršlow 🥧
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •GhostOnTheHalfShell
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Russia’s economy I think it’s smaller than France’s economy or Germany, I can’t remember which. The idea that they could actually tackle the full force of Europe’s military capacity is ridiculous.
Only nukes have kept this proxy war. The demographics of Russia are not a cliff, but a black hole. Putin‘s war has cost Russia several generations.
The consequence of Ukrainian victory is access to resources Russia supplies, but instead of a malificar (see dragon age), an ally.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •jesterchen42
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Siobhán Sarelle
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Gondor
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •A cynic would say:
Not really 140 million russians anymore, since Putin "lost" afaik about 800.000 soldiers in Ukraine. And he is not stopping...
It's so horrible.😱😭
All this to invade Ukraine and go on a killing, torture and kidnapping spree, to erase a country and a culture. 🤬
Stay strong Ukraine ✊
Martin Munthe
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Justin Scholz
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Ilias 🤓
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Barry C
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Rthaar
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Mahendra Pandya
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •conventional war turning into nuclear. That's why U.S. nuclear deterrent is paramount in supporting Ukraine.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •European Federation. Countries now will get Staates then.
This ist what Trump fears.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •But even though he has divided the US into a shambles via Trump, Putin has failed. NATO will stand, even without the US.
The Animal and the Machine
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Brie Mmm
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Hey, don't neglect Liechtenstein. The country had guts to ban Nazi party in 1943, something that many states nowadays fail to do.
Also, I like Liechtenstein's attitude to war: for the last one it took part in, the principality sent mighty force of 80 men, of which 81 came back… because they fought in no battle, and made a new friend. (okay, story seems a bit apocryphal, but still)
Remco de Groot
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Don't forget. The USA has always placed themselves in the leading position.
"European countries needn't develop nuclear weapons. We will provide the nuclear umbrella and will be central command."
Selling rocket systems that need their GPS systems.
Together with the hope/ believe in many (western) countries that Russia had become member of the international community and no longer the enemy has made us complacent.
The wake-up call is there, but getting our baring is not easy.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •The History of 2 World Wars ?
Is this:
Threats happen, when a Bully has the power of the Atomic Bomb his population numbers don't matter?
So 140 million is enough
500 million?
Better get the Bomb
MAD is a concept that worked for 75 yrs
America under Trump the Sociopathic Pal to Putin/Russia is a game Changer
Get The Bomb
You may not like me saying it ?
But that is the course that has been set
The Freedom & Balance in the World/Planet depends on managing HELL'sDEVILS!
David August
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •the 21st Century is in the nuclear age. In the nuclear age the size of one’s population does not define survivability.
To treat a conflict between nuclear powers in 2025 as if it is merely an echo of world wars from the last century is to mischaracterize the realities of now in vital ways.
"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - likely falsely attributed to Albert Einstein
Randahl Fink
in reply to David August • • •ProfT
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Vck
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •Unfortunately Europe will have to direct more resources towards this rather than more productive choices
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •When will Europe awake?
The #KGB tune is heared in stereo there since Jan., 20th.
Yes, #EU strength is largely enough to crunch Putin without his #Krasnov agent, but if the #US army is hijacked by him to fight EU then it is 500 M vs 450 M and a nuclear stock outnumbering EU's one.
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •…
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •S U P E R 😍😍😍
Ich hoffe, #Tusk trägt das fleißig in die nächsten europäischen Treffen und kann die zögerlichen Europäer motivieren, sich auf ihre gemeinsame Stärke zu besinnen und sich gerade zu machen für
#Europa 🇪🇺 und
die #Ukraine 🇺🇦
🇮🇱 El Murciélago 🦇 |FCK|NZS|
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •The problem that despite being in the EU is that we still are thinking and very often if not most often act like separate, national states remains and that is our weak point!
We need to become a European Nation.
We need to stop dividing ourselves and let us conquer.
in reply to Randahl Fink • • •