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Pojmujcie. Bądźcie pokorni wobec wszechświata. Czyńcie dobro.
Siedem słów. Trzy zasady.

Długa Utopia, Terry Pratchett

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#Gliwice #Katowice #Śląsk #Zagłębie
Szukam noclegu w warunkach podłogowych z 13 na 14 stycznia. Jadę w sprawach #TePeWu między innymi na spotkanie Śląskiego Ruchu Klimatycznego, które się kończy późno. Kasy na hostel niiestety brak. :/

Kto mnię przytuli??

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Interesting observations not to be obfuscated by Vaxxing / AntiVaxing resentments.

As of 2025, the piece coud be easily rewritten as "The Scapegoats Strike Back".

“Combatting hatred” is combatting a symptom.

Scapegoats needn’t be guilty, but they must be marginal, outcasts, heretics, taboo-breakers, or infidels of one kind or another. If they are too alien, they will be unsuitable as transfer objects of in-group aggression. Neither can they be full members of society, lest cycles of vengeance ensue. If they are not already marginal, they must be made so. It was ritually important that Derrick Chauvin [the police officer - a mainstay of societal order - note by 8Petros] be cast as a racist and white supremacist; then his removal from society could serve symbolically as the removal of racism itself.

Just to be clear here, I am not saying Derrick Chauvin’s conviction for George Floyd’s murder was unjust. I am saying that justice was not the only thing carried out.

Fascism, COVID, Vaccine-scepticism, Girardist perspective

A very appropriate #Carnival reading. ;-)
#CharlesEisenstein #Girard #Festival #Violence #Society
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

It is not just that festivals are necessary to blow off steam. They are necessary to remind us of the artificiality and frailty of the human ordering of the world, lest we go insane within it.

Na sezon letni 2025 szukam sobie miejsca na 2-4 tygodnie wolontariatu z konikami polskimi lub innymi kucami (końmi!), żeby poznać ich utrzymanie i obsługę. Również wykorzystanie jako koni juczne i zaprzęgowe.

#Wolontariat #agroturystyka #konie #KonikPolski #Pony #Kuce

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#Tao #SteveRowe

So, how do we #liberate #YouTube #videos this week? is waiting...

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