#DokuWiki #infokiosk #SPInKa #TePeWu #ui #ux #help needed!
So, we are signing an agreement with city of #Gliwice, to set up a "#climate #infoshop" there (codename SPInKa).
We plan to start with an automated infokiosk, placed in public space for everyone to use.
Tech-wise it will be an old laptop with one or two displays (one touchscreen), running a browser in kiosk mode, serving local (federated) instance of dokuwiki (tentatively selected). It will be a prototype for the wholw network, all free and open licences ofc.
Now, we are looking for someone to help us create a front/template for such a kiosk, plus somoeonw to coordinate the "user experience" design.
If you are such person, please let us know. If you know one, let them know.
More details in this thread soon.
reshared this
#Konkurencja na rynku nie ma wpływu na proces koncentracji. Decyduje jedynie o tym, ktote zasoby będzie kontrolować.
I have just recovered from hosting suspension ater someone attacked someone (#AppAttack) through us.
Now, with regular nasty people I can deal manually (and it makes my day), but I need a good source of blocks for cyberscum.
Qob reshared this.
Mt 6, 5-6
Gdy się modlicie, nie bądźcie jak obłudnicy. Oni lubią w synagogach i na rogach ulic wystawać i modlić się, żeby się ludziom pokazać. Zaprawdę, powiadam wam: otrzymali już swoją nagrodę. Ty zaś, gdy chcesz się modlić, wejdź do swej izdebki, zamknij drzwi i módl się do Ojca twego, który jest w ukryciu. A Ojciec twój, który widzi w ukryciu, odda tobie.
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
Po trzech dniach czytania "dyskusji" na temat państwa #Izrael, #Netanyahu, #MTK i całej reszty, widzę wyraźnie, że argumentacja "krytyka Izraela to #antysemityzm" to zwykły #gaslighting. Proponowane przez stronników syjonizmu definicje antysemityzmu nie tylko nie obejmują takiej krytyki, ale wręcz wskazują jako antysemickie praktyki i deklaracje zawarte w ustawie o "Narodowej Ojczyźnie Żydów" . #syjonizm
Więcej tu: szmer.info/post/5646428
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • •More about the project.
CLIP Community Climate Info-point
Gliwice 2025
Authors: TePeWu Association: spis.ngo.pl/441219-stowarzysze…
1. To create an open space where interested people can inform themselves in various ways about the various aspects of the All-Crisis and actions to reduce its effects.
2. A collaborative space where grassroots pro-climate movements and organizations will present their perspectives on an equal footing – without in-fights, proselytizing or competing for support.
3. A space that connects people who want to know more, meet kindred minds and join in saving the ecosystem.
• Launching a permanent self-service info kiosk in a public space.
• Launching a permanent info point with printed materials and attending volunteers.
• Launching a series of thematic meetings - according to reported demand.
... pokaż więcejIndividuals wishing to
More about the project.
CLIP Community Climate Info-point
Gliwice 2025
Authors: TePeWu Association: spis.ngo.pl/441219-stowarzysze…
1. To create an open space where interested people can inform themselves in various ways about the various aspects of the All-Crisis and actions to reduce its effects.
2. A collaborative space where grassroots pro-climate movements and organizations will present their perspectives on an equal footing – without in-fights, proselytizing or competing for support.
3. A space that connects people who want to know more, meet kindred minds and join in saving the ecosystem.
• Launching a permanent self-service info kiosk in a public space.
• Launching a permanent info point with printed materials and attending volunteers.
• Launching a series of thematic meetings - according to reported demand.
Individuals wishing to gain substantive knowledge about the course of the All-Crisis, and various approaches to combat/mitigate/adapt to it.
Allies and partners
Organizational partner: the City of Gliwice (via Centrum 3.0)
Content partners (open list, pending negotiations)
• Climate Education Foundation: fundacjaedukacjiklimatycznej.p…
• Climate Science website: naukaoklimacie.pl/
• Earth at the Crossroads: ziemianarozdrozu.pl/
• Silesian Climate Movement: slaskiruchklimatyczny.pl/
• Pro-climate organizations and movements operating in the area
Tentative schedule
• January/February - arrangements, conclusion of agreements, fundraising.
• February/March - preparation of infokiosk (hardware, software, content).
• March/April - installation of infokiosk, testing.
• May - launch of the infopoint.
• June - launch of series of meetings.
Sources of funding
• online and offline (non-cash) fundraising.
• cash and in-kind donations
• membership fees