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If you work with a database and are asked to alter the table structure to comply in advance for citizenship or gender categorizations it's really important to NOT do it.

"The governor is concerned about all this stuff they want us to update our record keeping so we store both gender AND biological sex."

"We need fields to store the country of origin of people's parents."

If you don't have the power to rebuff this yourself, ask for help. At minimum ask for help online anonymously.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

There's probably a variant of the "Underhanded C Contest" but for Database design, right? How subtly can you "comply" in a way that makes the data hopelessly unusable?

Danger is that perhaps some ultra nerd DBA will just think "hehehe this lookup is so inefficient, take that nazis"...

in reply to Seachaint

@seachaint DOGE the DB for max efficiency. Eliminate wasteful table relationships, key constraints, data validation checks, transaction tables, logs, and indexes.

Efficiently optimize data security and reduce storage costs. Use a one way hash to compress each stored value to a random four bit value.

Better yet, covert to NoSQL, delete all schemas, and pipe all inputs to /dev/null

Respond to all inquiries with, “invalid sql injection detected and reported”.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

Depending on your job you probably have in the past made compromises. Maybe to keep your job. Maybe to survive. This is a bright line. If you are asked to be the one to update the table don't let it be your fingers typing those changes.

If you can't just say "No I won't do that." Stall, run away, feign incompetence. Just don't let it happen.

I suspect this might be where the rubber hits the road first for us around here.

Nothing has changed. You do not have to do it. It is not even ordained.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

And if you're given access to a database *containing * said dangerous info, consider making a serious accident happen to that field
in reply to Seachaint

@seachaint @martinvermeer non-binary meaning cannot be represented using ones and zeros not non-binary meaning not strictly male or female
in reply to myrmepropagandist

I know someone who rebuffed such a request. Boss was apologetic "it's what the higher ups want, oh *I* think it's a lot of nonsense, but I don't want us to be out of step ... blah blah"

It was proposed to them in sheepish way. They said it would be a lot of work, not add anything of value, and most important they would not do it. It didn't come up again.

Fascism can be the work of zealots, but there are also many sheepish middle management helping hands who "don't even believe in this really"

in reply to myrmepropagandist

With the sheepish ones just letting them know you won't do it, (that it crosses the bright line) can make them back off some of the time.

This can be very scary and if you are thinking "but I could be fired" I understand that. Ask for help. Talk about it outside of work or with people you trust. Don't go looking for an excuse to comply and not feel bad about it. If you do you should feel bad.

Find a way to NOT do it instead.

Ten wpis został zedytowany (11 godziny temu)

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

I'm honestly just psyching myself up for if I need to do this kind of thing again. I might.

It's the whole "we're just doing it to go along with what's happening now" ethos that I think might hold the most little victories for us.

So many terrible things happen because of people just going along with a bunch of little bad things that come together into a much more ugly and unstoppable bad thing.

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

Don't become one of those who contributed to genocide because they were "just following orders".
in reply to Aaron

I would follow you all over again if I could, just because of this post.
in reply to myrmepropagandist

It’s so easy to think, “all I did was place one little cog over here in a quiet place, I sure it doesn’t matter” when you aren’t close to where the machine is grinding people up in a horror of blood and violence. That’s what they count on to get the machine built. If you really have no choice but to put a cog there, *make sure* that first you bend it, or break off some teeth, or weld it in place so that it will never ever actually function as intended.
in reply to myrmepropagandist

Kinda tangential thought but; it's a good time for people, ESPECIALLY non-religious people, to understand how Title VII religious protection works under US law. You have more legal ability to decline to perform morally heinous acts than people seem to assume, and if you come at it from a position of first amendment legal protections to begin with it can disarm a lot of the people who might otherwise not be sympathetic.

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

in reply to Lúmëcolca

That's a great take. "It's goes against my strongly held beliefs" is just as legally valid for "I don't want to be a fascist" as any other thing the Christo-fascists have ever used it for.
in reply to myrmepropagandist

Also, learn lessons from these middle managers. If you aren't empowered to say no, then use their strategies for avoiding things you don't want to do, create processes to function as obstacles, create arbitrary requirements that work as obstacles.

E.g., "Oh sure, I can do that no problem, I just need you to fill out this project intake form."

"Oh definitely, that's a great, form, I can't help but see that you left this section blank, unfortunately I'm going to need you to fill in the section explaining the strategy for rollback in the case of emergencies."

"I'd love to help you with this, but unfortunately our technical standards require us to justify all changes using this scoring point system."

Etc., etc.,

We've spent decades watching this bullshit be used to obstruct, delay and defer progress, we can use the same tactics to obstruct, delay, and defer anti-progress. It won't work as well, because fascists don't care about following the rules, but there's enough people who don't want to think of themselves as fascists around that it will still be effective.

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

Insist on doing everything through "channels." Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
Make "speeches," Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your points by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate "patriotic" comments.
When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committees as large as possible - never less than five.
Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.…
The CIA removed their WWII workplace sabotage manual from their website but you can still find it on archive dot org

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

These kind of lists always remind me of the so called "pink lists" containing names and addresses of homosexuals. These lists were gathered by the German police in the beginning of the last century.

With the rise of the Nazis, these lists became a life-threatening burden for the women and men on them.

The rise of the Nazis was paved above all by the fact that ordinary people turned a blind eye.

So, ordinary people can prevent the rise of fascists.

in reply to myrmepropagandist


Also, if you are being forced to do this, ask for this request/order *on paper* (or at least in writing).

I have been asked, at the eve of my IT career, to do a slightly unethical thing. I refused, but was told I have to do this anyway. I said: fine, but I would like this on paper, including the acknowledgement of my concerns.

It was never spoken of again, and never implemented. I kept my job, never had any grief from the higher ups about it either.

Paper trail is power.

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in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@rysiek there is an old saying from project management, if something is implied, get them to say it, if something is said, get it in writing, basically bump things up a level of accountability to avoid miscommunication and ending up as a responsibility sponge
in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@rysiek This is super important, I learned it from one of my managers early in my career. If someone has a verbal conversation with you at work where they tell you to do something problematic, either tell them to put it in writing or send them an email following up on/recapping the conversation to cover yourself.
in reply to myrmepropagandist

Or, you know...

"We can implement that, yeah, but it's more complicated than it first appears."

"The field lengths aren't really clear, and we'll need to get those right before invest in migrating this entire database."

"I've scheduled a meeting with a group of experts to outline how we can study the problem and get stakeholder input on the correct model to use in our database."

Let it snow....

in reply to myrmepropagandist

People thinking not "if", but "how" to resist make my old heart glow and my eyes wet.
Stay safe and give them what they deserve.

Szescstopni reshared this.

Unknown parent

@ithoughtisawa2 sure. But they can do that regardless of the paper trail.

The paper trail provides you with a CYA policy. If they issue such an unethical directive and then try to blame it on you, you have something to prove you were pushing back against it.

"The more paper, the cleaner the arse", as they used to say in the Soviet Union.

in reply to myrmepropagandist

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