#Tao #SteveRowe
Only The Man Of Tao
Explanation Of The Tao Te Ching Part Seventy Seven “The Tao of heaven is like the bending of a bow. The high is lowered, and the low is raised. If the string is too long, it is shor…steverowecom
So, how do we #liberate #YouTube #videos this week? kinowolnosc.pl is waiting...
Kino Wolność
Społecznościowy serwer filmów i filmików, napędzany pomocą wzajemną, solidarnością i duchem hakerskim.kinowolnosc.pl
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
#Laser #Printing #OKI #C844 #Advanced #Quality #Troubleshooting #HELP!
I am trying to print some stickers of a glossy a4 paper. Using direct print via web page, I have problems with print quality, as shown on the scan attached (top and bottom row).
Attached are also screenshots with parameters I believe relevant.
This is not a commercial job - we do digital printing gratis for various activist groups. Please help us get the best quality possible for them.
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Od czasu do czasu miewam sny, które przypominają mi o tkwiącym we mnie nieskończonym potencjale zła.
Wam się też to zdarza?
Wam się też to zdarza?
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
#Tao #People #Politics #Life #Death #SteveRove
Why Are The People Starving?
Explanation Of The Tao Te Ching Part Seventy Five “Why are the people starving? Because the rulers eat up the money in taxes.Therefore the people are starving. Why are the people rebelli…steverowecom
Politics Feed reshared this.