Which platform for a platform cooperative?
Considering the fact that that the influx of new users comes mostly from microblogging world, which of existing apps would you recommend for a budding platform coop, intended to provide managed hosting of independent small instances (think wordpress.com vs. wordpress.org? Lightweight, modular, easy to administer (users being mostly not-so-much-technical) and secure.
It seems there is a bunch of them in the wild.
- Fediverse.Party - explore federated networks
Let's make social media free, federated and fun! Fediverse.Party is your guide into the world of decentralized, autonomous networks running on free open software on a myriad of servers across the world. No ads and no algorithms.fediverse.party
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • •like this
m0bi i m0bi like this.
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •Potrzebuję chwili, żeby przeczytać. Piatkowego release miałem i spływa feedback ;)
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •Tu zaproszenie ode mnie tam:
Qoto Mastodon
Mastodon hosted on qoto.org8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to m0bi • •Ja się skupiam na mniej technicznych kwestiach.
A ocena UX to już na pewno nie do mnie
Also: nie jestem skłonny do wzmacniania monopolu Mastodona.
in reply to m0bi • • •8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] likes this.
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to timorl • •Idea jest taka, żeby to był inkubator instancji, z którego potem będą się mogły emancypować na self-hosting np. #YunoHost
m0bi likes this.
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •Określ może bardziej dokładnie potrzeby takiego serwera i dlaczego nie twoja ulubiona friendica ;)
Kod jest dostępny, jeśli to projekt jednej osoby to jestem pod wrażeniem. Ciężko było go znaleźć.
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • •I would like to know your opinion, if you be so kind...
gme 🇺🇸🇺🇦🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to gme 🇺🇸🇺🇦🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈 • •Recently, I tend to think about a headless server & a hosted web interface (#Mangan ?)
The main goal is to create “an incubator of worlds”, so communities can start their instances the easy way and then eventually emancipate to their separate servers, possibly #yunohost.
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • •The operational model will be similar to wordpress.com, modified towards #platformcoop .
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