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!Friendica Support

So, another mystery. Trying to subscribe to a relay, I keep getting

root@tepewu:/var/www/friendica# bin/console relay add couldn't be added
root@tepewu:/var/www/friendica# bin/console relay add couldn't be added

Friendica log shows nothing.

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friendica - Odnośnik do źródła
Roland Häder
@Michael Vogel Hmm, maybe add a --do-it-as-i-say to the add command so people are 100% aware of what they do?

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Unfortunately, this is a laptop on my window sill and the link is not configured for servers. The provider doesn't make any problems because of me having a server, but they will not get an inch beyond "access to internet" service.

Here is the output from #yunohost diagnostics – there is some cryptic problem indeed. It may be a matter of configuration of my local router, but I do not know how to manage it :(

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So it seems that the solution would be either to make it send requests via IPv4 or somehow make port 443 available via IPv6.

I have no knowledge how to do it, but I am happy to try, under someone's guidance.

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Unknown parent

I did it and right now I am trying to add libranet again.

edit: no avail. :(

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Unknown parent

Thank you for spotting it. Tomorrow I will try it again.

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Unknown parent

No news is delayed news. I am just staring my day. Bear with me. :-)

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in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

So, I tried to get to "the installation base" without going sudo. Initially no cure, but then, suddenly!

admin@tepewu:/var/www$ cd friendica
-bash: cd: friendica: Permission denied
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ friendica/bin/console relay add
-bash: friendica/bin/console: Permission denied
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ friendica/bin/console relay add
-bash: friendica/bin/console: Permission denied
admin@tepewu:/var/www$ sudo friendica/bin/console relay add
Successfully added

However still

admin@tepewu:/var/www$ sudo friendica/bin/console relay add couldn't be added

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