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I will soon need to #drill a "blind" hole in an #obsidian sphere (to use it as a knob for a cane) hole diameter ~12 mm, depth, say 50 mm. Anyone can give me some hints what to use (#diamond #drill I guess, but I cannot find one) and how to do it, so I would not spoil the material?
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

I don't really have any suggestions (apart from the likely obvious warning to think about thermal stresses), but am curious how was it shaped into the ball shape in the first place.
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

I am drifting towards making high value walking/fighting sticks. The most versatile tool/weapon for the pre-postapocalyptic world.
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

Hm~ once you have a hole, do you intend to mount a (wooden?) cane rod in it using wooden wedges?

I started to wonder whether adhering things to obsidian by heating it to ~its glass transition temperature would work and gotten nerd sniped into reading about metal-glass seals. Thanks.

in reply to robryk

THAT is a bit beyond my reach (at least for now). My working hypothesis is that I would glue-in (epoxy or polyurethane) a threaded sleeve both into the knob and the stick, and connect them with a threaded rod, secured with loctite removable glue.