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Fascynująca i intymna opowieść @Doc Impossible o przerażającej podróży ku jej prawdziwej tożsamości.
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in reply to 8Petros [Signal: Petros.63]

in reply to 8Petros [Signal: Petros.63]

I'm very glad you enjoyed my story so much; this review, so to speak, is very very flattering.

I suppose that I *should* acknowledge that I had lots of (well-founded) worries about my career and my family beyond B--; leaving those aside were an editorial choice, to focus in on the heart of the story. I lost an entire side of my extended family to transition, and was eventually pushed out of my leadership position at work.

in reply to Doc Impossible

The story has its own rights and your choice to omit certain aspects did a lot of good to the central motif of internal struggle.
One can only hope that the joy and freedom you experienced, compensated the unavoidable losses.

Let me ask hypothetically: would you allow me to make Polish translation of the story? If not for trans persons, it may be a valuable eye-opener for many cis people. To make it absolutely clear: I never work for money and my works are published under CC-BY-SA license. So it is a solidarity proposal.

in reply to 8Petros [Signal: Petros.63]

So much more joy it's impossible to describe.

And translating a 30,000-word narrative is quite the offer! Thank you for it. That said, I'm afraid I need to decline; the problem is that I don't speak Polish, and this story is incredibly intimate to me, and represents my life and who I am. Since I can't put my own eyes on the translation and say that I'm okay with the inevitable editorial decisions that translation requires, I'm not super comfortable with it being translated right now.

in reply to Doc Impossible

Also, the original story isn't CC-published; I've reserved my rights, so any derivative work under it would need to be published under the same rights schemes.
in reply to Doc Impossible

I understand and respect your position. If you ever change your mind, the offer stands. Meanwhile, I'll keep spreading the word.