To cut a long story short, we need a talented and justice-loving artist(s), who'd paint a story of Chagossians, removed forcibly in 1968-73 from their islands, their dogs all killed by the British, their homes, heritage and culture all "packed" into one briefcase per person. Of their struggle to survive wherever they were forced to live, of their fight to get back home and get back their land - against colonial power of Great Britain and military power of the USA.
Of a massive international gaslighting, denying them not just the right to return, but cancelling their past, their present and their future - all mercilessly ignored by the world.
You may ask, why it happened? Well, the British promised the island of Diego Garcia to the US military, so they built one of their most important bases n the world. The condition was, no indigenous people on the whole archipelago. And so it happened.
And the fiction of "British Indian Ocean Territory" is maintained not only through British cheating and US guns, but also through an internet top level domain ".io", assigned to the fake territorial entity - with all proceedings supporting that monumental injustice.
But Chagossians keep fighting for return. And to help them, we need a powerful story to spread across Fediverse, and beyond. We need you - to make this story vibrant, compelling and graphic. To make it freely available for everyone, known to everyone - impossible to ignore.
Read the long story (with source links) here:
^^^^ CW: This article has content warnings for animal abuse, ethnic cleansing and suicide.^^^^
#Chagos #Chagossians #IOtld #USMilitary #UKcolonization #EthnicCleansing #letusreturn #DiegoGarcia
#chagosourhome #chagosislands #chagossianlivesmatter #chagosrefugeesgroup #chagosresearchinitiative