With great pleasure I announce that Artel is now ready to #3Dprint all kinds of #agitprop items one may need to fight #oppression in general, and #state or #capitalism (why not both?) in particular. If you are reasonably close to Poland (EU&vicinity), we can make it for you and send by post.
If you are too far away, we can at least process a picture or a 3D model and convert it into data read to be printed (.stl, .obj)
There are special #solidarity prices for recognised collectives and initiatives. We accept #crypto, but never shed a bag of expropriated state money either.
If you are too far away, we can at least process a picture or a 3D model and convert it into data read to be printed (.stl, .obj)
There are special #solidarity prices for recognised collectives and initiatives. We accept #crypto, but never shed a bag of expropriated state money either.
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Zaczęliśmy zapełniać nasze #portfolio, poczynając od działu #AgitProp.
Na razie nie ma jeszcze funkcji koszyka i zamawiania, ale jak coś się Wam spodoba, to piszcie - dogadamy się.
#queer #antyfaszyzm #antykapitalizm #161 #Rojava #Memy
Agitprop : Tech Artel Poznań
Kolekcje artefaktów o wydźwięku agitacyjno-propagandowym.artel.tepewu.pl