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Ale za to ile się na drewnie zarobi...

Kierunkowy74 reshared this.

Poranna kawka-dawka wchodzi cała na biało (rozpuszczalna latte z orzeszkami i ziarenkami).

My jesteśmy anarchiści,
u-haha, u-haha,
Piękni, trzeźwi, oraz czyści,
u-haha, antifa!

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#marihuana #depresja

Ostatnio głównym tematem rodzinnych dyskusji stało się zagadnienie "Tramwaj czy autobus?".
Szczęście rodzinne kwitnie. Poezja.

Kierunkowy74 reshared this.

Kierunkowy74 reshared this.

Casual carpool started 30+ years ago and has been community driven since its origin,’ the minimalist website states. ‘Everyone who participates in casual carpool benefits from using the system, therefore they have an incentive to treat other users respectfully and to promote safety in order to maintain the integrity of the system.’

Perhaps our 'murican friends finally found their culturally appropriate way to deal with capitalist vampires.

There is a #modelling #language I saw once (some 40 years ago), that uses #diagrams like the one drawn here. Of course I cannot find it now, thus my request for your help, #fedimind.
I am looking for the #specification and, hopefully, for a tool to compile such diagrams, preferably online and in a semi-intelligent way.