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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

Ladies and gentlemen, because our world isn't absurd enough, I present to you a JEWISH organization whose sole mission is to combat RACISM AND ANTISEMITISM legitimizing and excusing actual, genuine NAZISM.

We're so fucked.

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in reply to Wojsław Brożyna 🌞🌲🏴

@wojslaw I personally think the worst case is that he did it on purpose to get the exact reaction he got, because he's a pernicious little troll.

That he's willing to do that, though, is maybe worse than him literally being a nazi; it means he's willing to empower a group of, let's face it, literal psychopaths for a damned joke.

in reply to b4ux1t3 #1️⃣

@b4ux1t3 got it, but there is an important question: is he really empowering neo-nazis by that? Do they really supports him? As far as I know from my country (Poland), neo-nazis rarely even give a fuck about such clowns. They are so focused on the ideology and ideological purity and know that they are not represent it, thus are not attractive for them at all. But maybe things works different in the US?

8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

Last year, the private health care company HCA announced it was going to stop providing essential emergency, trauma, and stroke care at the only hospital in San Jose's East Side, a largely working-class, Latinx and Asian community, At the same time, HCA planned to invest millions in its hospital on the wealthy west side of town.

So - the community mobilized, and the County of Santa Clara bought the hospital!

It will now become part of our county's public health system, restore the trauma, stroke, and cardiac services that HCA closed, and be open to all.

#SantaClaraCounty #SanJose #HealthCare #CommunityOrganizing…

8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

Nie minęło 24h a Elon na zaprzysiężeniu Trumpa hajlował....

Czekam na najlepsze wymówki jakie będą serwować nam wierne robaki Muska

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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

We need for community-run, ethical, well-moderated communication platforms more than ever.

I'm sure this is one of the reasons why many folks are joining fedi today. Welcome, glad to see you here! 👋

👉 infrastructure is not free
👉 moderation is hard emotional labor
👉 managing a server takes time and effort

Please consider getting engaged and contributing, if you can. Help moderate your instance. Support your instance financially. Help make fedi sustainable.

#NewHere #TikTokRefugee

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in reply to Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦


Here is what we currently are able to do thanks to private funder @clemensg

A generic server including wikidata, wikibase and OSM integration for multiple, fully ActivityPub **conformant** interoperable clients:

- redaktor, a journalistic CMS
- menschys, an app for collaboration and mutual help (also in the context of refugees are forced to pay with gov. card)
- taxiteam (codename FCK uber)

et al.
If anyone wants to help, please tell me.

The 7 Task Forces were super active in 2024 so:
Please attend the official protocol meetings !…

Official specifications listed in this answer…

Ten wpis został zedytowany (1 dzień temu)

8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

Koncentracja kontroli zasobów (#bogactwo) w #kapitalizm ie jest efektem systemowym. W braku pozasystemowych czynników hamujących dąży to asymptotycznie do planetarnego wszechmonopolu.
#Konkurencja na rynku nie ma wpływu na proces koncentracji. Decyduje jedynie o tym, ktote zasoby będzie kontrolować.

8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.


In Turkiye, a homeless dog brought her seriously ill puppy to the vets

With the baby in her teeth, she appeared at the threshold of the clinic, as if she understood that only people could help.

The doctors immediately got down to business, sending the puppy to intensive care.

All this time, the mother did not leave her baby, watching every move of the doctors.

Fortunately, the puppy was saved.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Auregoodnews #dogs

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So, #FediAdmins, (especially those of #Friendica), what #blockLists do you use to block spammers and other evildoers?
I have just recovered from hosting suspension ater someone attacked someone (#AppAttack) through us.
Now, with regular nasty people I can deal manually (and it makes my day), but I need a good source of blocks for cyberscum.

Qob reshared this.

8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]udostępnił to.

To be slightly blunter than The Atlantic allowed me to be: the tiktok ban is a protectionist subsidy to Meta and Google worth hundreds of billions of dollars:…