Physical differences are often used to sustain sexist assertions that most women’s sports are boring and slow. This narrative – especially prominent among detractors of women’s sports and internet trolls – likely influences mainstream attitudes toward sports such as women’s basketball and women’s soccer.
#gender #sports #soccer #sexism #athletes #mediacoverage #Newresearch #FIFAWorldCups #Femaleathletes #Genderbiasinsports #Sportsmedia
We blurred the gender of soccer players and had people rate their performances − with surprising results
A common criticism of women’s sports is that female players aren’t as entertaining or skilled as their male counterparts. Two researchers decided to put this notion to the test.The Conversation
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Overall, the benefits of even a single ketamine injection occur rapidly, but are modest in magnitude. The best regimen to maintain these benefits by reinjecting ketamine has not been determined.
#mentalhealth #depression #trauma #ketamine #Quickreads #ResearchBrief #Newresearch #Post-traumaticstressdisorder(PTSD #Traumaticmemories #PTSD #myRSS
Ketamine can rapidly reduce symptoms of PTSD and depression, new study finds
The analysis shows that ketamine may start relieving symptoms of PTSD within one day, but it is still unclear how long the effects last and how many injections are needed to maintain benefits.The Conversation
#Afryka #UE #bezpieczeństwo #raport #OSW via #myRSS
Znikający partnerzy: konsekwencje zamachów stanu w Sahelu dla unijnej polityki bezpieczeństwa
Seria zamachów stanu w państwach Sahelu sprawiła, że polityka bezpieczeństwa UE wobec tego regionu znalazła się w impasie.Łukasz Maślanka (Osrodek Studiow Wschodnich)
#Ukraina #eksport #żywność #raport #OSW via #myRSS
Sąsiedzkie waśnie. Problem ukraińskiego zboża na rynkach Europy Środkowej
Po podjęciu przez UE w czerwcu 2022 r. decyzji o tymczasowym zniesieniu ceł na ukraiński import, w tym rolno-spożywczy, rosnącym problemem w państwach Europy Środkowej stał się skokowy napływ zboża z Ukrainy. W maju br.Zespół OSW (Osrodek Studiow Wschodnich)
#China #Russia #Food via #MyRSS #OSW
Russia seeks access to China’s agricultural market
On 17 October, the Novosibirsk-based Food Export Trade and the state-owned China Chengtong International Ltd signed a 12-year ‘general contract’ to supply China with 70 million tonnes of grain, legumes and oilseeds produced in the Urals, Siberia and …Iwona Wiśniewska (OSW Centre for Eastern Studies)
#DeepAdaptation is a #PostDoom movement and attitude, helping us deal with the ongoing #collapse of #civilization in a constructive and mindful way. Spiritual aspect here is crucial. Here I offer some musings, received via #MyRSS channel.
Coping with Collapse: The Goddess - Deep Adaptation Forum
Each day, I believe I will see the sun rise and fall. But if you asked me about my journey regarding faith, religion, spirituality or life philosophy, my answers would […]Jacqueline Mackenzie (Deep Adaptation Forum)
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in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • •8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] zaznaczył 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]'go stan przy użyciu #myRSS
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2023-11-08 14:01:45
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] zaznaczył 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]'go stan przy użyciu #myRSS
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2023-11-08 14:01:45