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There is a #publishing #institute in #Australia, of #radical, if not #anarchist persuasion. They publish books, covering the issues of civilisation collapse, non-capitalist ways of social organization and such. I used to have a link to them, but it is lost in the haystack of my bookmarks etc. Shall somebody point me towards them, please?

Kierunkowy74 reshared this.

#versioning #git #participatory #lawmaking

I am looking for good examples of using online version control systems to formulate and maintain rules, codes and laws in a transparent & participatory way.

We have an interesting conversation with an #anarchist #historian friend, which may lead towards new approach to co-creation of a social dynamics inside and among collectives.

Proof of concept needed.

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in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

you mean agreements, not laws, I guess. Anarchists are not too much into laws. 😅
Would something like an etherpad be good enough? You might need a separate tool to discuss the agreements before deciding on them.