What is societal collapse? Lessons from the past can help us understand our future, but only to a point
Societal collapse is a complex phenomemon tied to the abilities of a society to meet its population’s basic needs. Understanding past examples of collapse can provide valuable insights.The Conversation
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Biblical flooding, scorching heat, collapsing grid system, animals crumbling, waters rising, crops wilting, economy on the brink, and millions displaced.Welcome to the future of climate change… Pakistan.
If one could classify a global warming beta test as a success towards the ultimate goal of apocalypse, unfortunately, it has turned Pakistan into a country populated by millions of displaced people in the early chapters of a horror story with no ending in sight because it is likely to get worse. Pakistan has been thrashed back and forth from one year (2022) of biblical flooding to years of record-setting heat. Normality has fled, chased out by an ogre of darkened apocalypse in the making.
#Pakistan #GlobalWarming #Apocalypse #Collapse #EcologicalSuccession
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#Collapse #JustCollapse #Berlin #TadzioMueller #ClimateJustice #ClimateAction
#anticapitalism #antifascim #anticolonialism #feminism #intersectionality
...All these examples show us that the design of the “just collapse” must be an intersectional process. This means that in the future we will have to think, plan and fight our fights together again.Just collapse is anti-capitalist.
Just collapse is feminist.
Just collapse is anti-colonialist.
Just collapse is anti-fascist.
Even if thoughts of collapse often seem overwhelming and discouraging: remember, you are not alone on the way to collapse acceptance. There are already groups, such as the Klima Kollaps Cafe, that deal with the psychological and emotional effects of the collapse.
We must also start forming solidary and resilient communities that support each other with skill, knowledge and resource sharing. So: Network and form gangs!
#JustCollapse speech – Berlin
This speech for a #JustCollapse was deliver at a protest against the construction of a motorway in Berlin, Germany. An alliance of neighborhood residents, climate activists and clubgoers gathered a…Just Collapse
Jak reshared this.
#austerity #disability #CuttingLoose #UK #SocialServices #Communities #Municipalities #Collapse
At its heart, this is a story of savage public funding cuts and growing need, of what happens when more than a decade of Westminster austerity collides with already bruised communities and squeezed local services. But it is also a story of who exactly in society matters: who gets to have a decent life, with a safe home and loving family, and who doesn’t.
Think of this: a plan to ‘warehouse’ disabled people. What kind of nation is Britain becoming?
Cash-starved Bristol city council is not the real villain here, but its proposed strategy tells us some lives matter less than others, says Guardian columnist Frances RyanFrances Ryan (The Guardian)
Indeed, capitalism has wrought its own demise and given us the chance to undertake the construction of a new society on the ruins of the old one. It is we who have built the world that the capitalists and their servants have appropriated. It is we who will build the next one – from the remains of the previous one. As we are not afraid of ruins.
#collapse #DeepAdaptation, #capitalism, #revolution, #all-crisis
Olga Matná-Schrödingerová reshared this.
Breaking Together encourages us to think about collapse in ways that are profound, possibility-expanding and startlingly original. Bendell’s “post-doom” perspective has the potential to change individual lives, upend organisational strategies and give birth to whole new social movements.Bendell advocates for an ideal of “ecofreedom”. This moves beyond obvious ideas, such as reconnecting with nature, to encompass supporting youth climate activism and decolonial, resource-preserving movements in the Global South.
The post-doom approach also calls for embracing a “positive disintegration” of self and values, to refocus one’s mind, and entire existence, on things that really matter.
#donaldtrump #climatechange #bookreviews #collapse #brexit #SocietalCollapse #Fridayessay #JaredDiamond #JemBendell #DeepAdaptation
Friday essay: if the world's systems are 'already cracking' due to climate change, is there a post-doom silver lining?
Jem Bendell encourages us to think about societal collapse in ways that are ‘profound and startlingly original’, with the potential to birth whole new social movements, says Tom Doig.The Conversation
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Our current predicament largely stems from wrong ideas about the separation between people, as well as between people and the planet. These ideas have been used for centuries to justify exploitation and oppression. Our current predicament is the result of them and the power structures they have led to.The DA Forum actively seeks to replace these mistaken narratives with more connected and loving responses, and with better ways of relating to people and the other-than-human world. We welcome all who come here seeking these peaceful and loving responses, and actively discourage community members from promoting non-loving or violent views.
#DA #DeepAdaptation #collapse #All-Crisis
Avoiding Authoritarian Responses to our Predicament - Deep Adaptation Forum
We want the Forum to be a welcoming space for all who are waking up to difficult realisations about societal disruption and collapse; and we’re committed to non-violence in both action and words.DAF core team (Deep Adaptation Forum)
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Coping with Collapse: The Goddess - Deep Adaptation Forum
Each day, I believe I will see the sun rise and fall. But if you asked me about my journey regarding faith, religion, spirituality or life philosophy, my answers would […]Jacqueline Mackenzie (Deep Adaptation Forum)
MiKlo:~/citizen4.eu$💙💛 reshared this.
If I understand the concept of #FPGA properly, it uses "generic" electronic modules (FPG arrays) that can be (reversibly?) "personalized" to behave like a custom desinged circuits.
To personalize them, we need:
1. Some design and development environment, where we design and test specific configurations for given functionality. And this part is rather resource-intensive.
2. Some "flashing" environment to "imprint" existing models onto generic FPGA modules. Which is much less resource-intensive than the previous part.
Now, I can imagine that, for the sake of #maintenance and #resillience, I may use FPGAs to build all kinds of devices around them. Then, just in case of failure (EMP, maybe) I can safely stock a pile of generic modules, an imprinter and a library of models so I can replace whatever is broken, without looking for a specialised chip.
Does it make sense and why not?
#postapo #hitec #critical #infrastructure #collapse #doomer musings.
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] zaznaczył 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]'go stan przy użyciu #JustCollapse
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2024-05-16 07:39:02
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