#javascript #WordPress #Snippet #API
I have a "snippet" codejavascript:(()=>{window.open('https://spinka.tepewu.pl/wp-admin/post-new.php?in_reply_to='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href));})();
which produces a specific type of post "in reply to" with just an URL embedded.
I assume that the code calls some API function and can pass some parameters to it.
Please somebody point me to a resource where I could learn how to create a post with a format of my choice, automatically embedding, say, an original title, header picture, and lead/abstract.
The use case is to aggregate singular posts into our climate infokiosk at #SPINKa
#Wordpress #NGO #Fediwersum #TePeWu
Przy kolejnych kwerendach zorientowałem się, jak wiele organizacji społecznych ma swoje witryny postawione na WordPressie. Jest oczywista sposobność, żeby stworzyć mini-projekt wspomagający i zachęcający je do zainstalowania wtyczki federującej, np. wordpress.org/plugins/activity…
Propozycja obejmowałaby:
- tutorial dla admina,
- tutorial dla moderatorów,
- zdalną pomoc przy konfiguracji.
Potrzebne są dwie osoby (role): techniczna i perswazyjna.
Jeśli ktoś jest chętny zrobić taką akcję pod szyldem @Towarzystwo Pomocy Wzajemnej , to zapraszamy. Jak nie, to dajcie znać, będziemy wspierać rękami i nogami.
The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format.WordPress.org
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Looking for #patterns and #BestPractices of #UX for #interactive #climate change #education, #information and #inspiration.
jak reshared this.
#LiberaPay #Fediverse #EqualRights #EqualAccess #OpenCulture #TePeWu #Pixelfed #Writefreely #Mobilizone #Donations #Funding #Fundraising
We (Tepewu) are now building a coordinated system of donation raising, based on @Liberapay service. Unfortunately, our content is published via #PeerTube, #Friendica, and (federated) #Wordpress. It makes it impossible to connect to our LiberaPay teams and profiles, as it is strictly exclusive for Mastodon and Pleroma networks.
Thus, after exchanging an email message with LiberaPay team (which boiled down to "nothing gonna change, sorry), I decided to create an issue in their Github.
If you believe it is worth to make free donations available for all fediverse-based projects, please support this issue and make LiberaPay treat us all in an equal way.
Make connecting to all Fediverse platforms **equally available**. · Issue #2414 · liberapay/liberapay.com
Fediverse is a multiplatform space, integrated through Activity Pub protocol. Inclusivity and diversity is the power of fediverse, helping to push back corporate media and expand free Internet. Whi...GitHub
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#WordPress #ActivityPub #Debugging #Help!
At tepewu.pl/@community sits my new Wordpress with full complement of #AP plugins: ActivityPub official from Automattic, Webfinger, nodeinfo and even Friends.
My Friendica gladly added it to my contacts and even retrieved site logo. And that's it. Nothing shows in my Friendica feed, I am not visible on the followers list there.
Before I start nagging the support, perhaps someone had this drill already?
Kierunkowy74 reshared this.
@8Petros [Atlas Unshrugged]_
Ten wpis np jest przez AP sfederowany:
A jak wchodzę na kontakt community@tepewu.pl to widzę, że ten kontakt podbił ten wpis linkowany wyżej.
So, another challenge scenario:
1. #Wordpress #form sends email formatted with text tags to the mail server (#dovecot in my case as all internet parts are hosted on #Yunohost VPS)
2. Local server retrieves mail and parses text fields from the message.
3. Using preselected templates merges it with parsed text into a letter and envelope,
4. Upon confirmation of the operator, sends it all to the print spooler.
Am I missing anything? Are there any #FOSS programs doing such thing?
Arkadiusz Wieczorek
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •REST API Handbook | Developer.WordPress.org
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to Arkadiusz Wieczorek • •Taaaa... Ignotum per ignotum i ignotum pogania.
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Arkadiusz Wieczorek
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •Posts – REST API Handbook | Developer.WordPress.org
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