Coming soon - Air Lab, a playful and portable air quality measuring device.…
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Vesna Manojlović, 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] i Toive 🌻 reshared this.
Leftists on Twitter be like: "we need to collectivize Instagram!"
My brother in Marx, this is why we do open source software. Download the Pixelfed app already and be happy.
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] i Pandka reshared this.
I'm in contact with a recruiter who is looking to fill 5 to 8 data science roles. If you're in the market, DM me, and I'll put you in contact with him. The pay is decent, and it's on-site in either Virginia or the San Francisco Bay area.
Oh, and please boost for reach. Jobs are hard to come by, and you might be saving someone's life.
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Social Sciences Feed, The Doctor, Oreo Speedwagon II 🦖☄️🚲🪐, Silmathoron ⁂, Aaron i 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] reshared this.
Please boost for reach.
Would anyone be willing to make dinner possible for my family tonight? It's still a week or two till I get my first paycheck, we have 4 mouths to feed, and our balance is down to $6.28. Thanks in advance for any help you can give us!
Pay Aaron Hosford using PayPal.Me
Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.PayPal.Me
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Aaron i 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] reshared this.
If you work with a database and are asked to alter the table structure to comply in advance for citizenship or gender categorizations it's really important to NOT do it.
"The governor is concerned about all this stuff they want us to update our record keeping so we store both gender AND biological sex."
"We need fields to store the country of origin of people's parents."
If you don't have the power to rebuff this yourself, ask for help. At minimum ask for help online anonymously.
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SidGot i Kit Arvizu reshared this.
Also, learn lessons from these middle managers. If you aren't empowered to say no, then use their strategies for avoiding things you don't want to do, create processes to function as obstacles, create arbitrary requirements that work as obstacles.
E.g., "Oh sure, I can do that no problem, I just need you to fill out this project intake form."
"Oh definitely, that's a great, form, I can't help but see that you left this section blank, unfortunately I'm going to need you to fill in the section explaining the strategy for rollback in the case of emergencies."
"I'd love to help you with this, but unfortunately our technical standards require us to justify all changes using this scoring point system."
Etc., etc.,
We've spent decades watching this bullshit be used to obstruct, delay and defer progress, we can use the same tactics to obstruct, delay, and defer anti-progress. It won't work as well, because fascists don't care about following the rules, but there's enough people who don't want to think of themselves as fascists around that it will still be effective.
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Aaron reshared this.
Or, you know...
"We can implement that, yeah, but it's more complicated than it first appears."
"The field lengths aren't really clear, and we'll need to get those right before invest in migrating this entire database."
"I've scheduled a meeting with a group of experts to outline how we can study the problem and get stakeholder input on the correct model to use in our database."
Let it snow....
Insist on doing everything through "channels." Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.
Make "speeches," Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your points by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate "patriotic" comments.
When possible, refer all matters to committees, for "further study and consideration." Attempt to make the committees as large as possible - never less than five.
Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.
Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.…
The CIA removed their WWII workplace sabotage manual from their website but you can still find it on archive dot org
Stay safe and give them what they deserve.
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Lúmëcolca, Iris Young (he/they/she) (PhD) i DThoris like this.
Szescstopni reshared this.
These kind of lists always remind me of the so called "pink lists" containing names and addresses of homosexuals. These lists were gathered by the German police in the beginning of the last century.
With the rise of the Nazis, these lists became a life-threatening burden for the women and men on them.
The rise of the Nazis was paved above all by the fact that ordinary people turned a blind eye.
So, ordinary people can prevent the rise of fascists.
Also, if you are being forced to do this, ask for this request/order *on paper* (or at least in writing).
I have been asked, at the eve of my IT career, to do a slightly unethical thing. I refused, but was told I have to do this anyway. I said: fine, but I would like this on paper, including the acknowledgement of my concerns.
It was never spoken of again, and never implemented. I kept my job, never had any grief from the higher ups about it either.
Paper trail is power.
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] likes this.
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*], Pandka, SidGot i viq reshared this.
Shannon Prickett reshared this.
Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦 reshared this.
@ithoughtisawa2 sure. But they can do that regardless of the paper trail.
The paper trail provides you with a CYA policy. If they issue such an unethical directive and then try to blame it on you, you have something to prove you were pushing back against it.
"The more paper, the cleaner the arse", as they used to say in the Soviet Union.
That's a great take. "It's goes against my strongly held beliefs" is just as legally valid for "I don't want to be a fascist" as any other thing the Christo-fascists have ever used it for.
Sensitive content
René Carmille (…) was a French statistician during the German occupation in WW2. When ordered to prepare a list of Jewish people for deportation, he and the people of the department he headed worked as slowly and obstructively as possible, so that the report was delayed by at least two years.
Carmille was finally caught, also because of other Résistance activities, and died in a concentration camp. May he be well remembered.
(“However, the police did not need Carmille's files. They organized raids and deportations from their own manual files.” — Yes, but we never know which effect our actions will have. If they are good, we should do them anyway.)
By popular demand, a single post to boost global switch day across multiple platforms on February 1st 2025.
For those who can no longer get behind Musk or Meta's new policies and feel like switching (e.g. from #Whatsapp to #Signal, from #Instagram to #Pixelfed or from #X to #Mastodon) I made you some graphics to use freely in communicating with your contacts.
Let’s lead by example 🙂
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Shannon Prickett, Oreo Speedwagon II 🦖☄️🚲🪐, 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*], Pandka, Bonfire i Cassidy James Blaede reshared this.
Sensitive content
FUCK OFF with your “THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO CW” bullshit!
We told you how bad it’s gonna be.
We told you the impact of it.
We told you all the tech corps will be complicit.
We told you they are facists!
Don’t come screaming on my lawn only because it took YOU until now to realize what is happening.
I cannot afford to stay uninformed anyway, but if I shall function somewhat as a normal human being, I need to be able to decide when I am engaging with this. And I don’t even live in that fucking country and this is the effect this has on me!
Put a fucking CW on your fucking post.
(Boost if you agree.)
timorl likes this.
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viq i 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] reshared this.
The ADL:
You're a Palestinian who breathes? You're an antisemite
You're Elon Musk who Sieg Heil? "it's an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm"
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Rita, antifascist 🏴🦯🦯🦯, Antanicus, Loki Gwynbleidd 🏴🎨😷 i 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] reshared this.
Schools Using AI Emulation of Anne Frank That Urges Kids Not to Blame Anyone for Holocaust
A Utah-based startup has graced us with an AI-powered Anne Frank chatbot, and it's very eager to forgive and forget.Joe Wilkins (Futurism)
the ADL can fuck all the way off with this
that was a nazi salute
The ADL are nothing more than the Association of German National Jews.
I have never accidentally sieg heil'd in moments of enthusiasm and nor has anyone I've known either. The only way someone would make that gesture is if they are already in the habit of doing it on a regular basis, so it's committed to muscle memory, and they had a Freudian slip.
ADL can miss me with that noise.
Hey uhhh, this is setting off another alarm bell.
I’ve been working on a series about fascism at the 2024 RNC and the “new beginning, healing and unity” was literally Trumps branding at the event.
Ron Johnson messed that messaging up and got in trouble, if you recall, and he revealed that Trump himself wrote and authorized it.
Why is the ADL repeating it?
Folks, the rich understand class solidarity. After all, it is all about profits. So, a couple of Sieg Heils, a couple of Nazi slogans won't pacify the cancer of infinite growth we call capitalism. After all, the US of America, the British and the French Empire were the ones funding the Holocaust. You've been tricked into thinking that those rich people are afraid of ADL, AIPAC, etc.; the myth of 'the Jews controlling the media.' Now you know who controls the media, the invisible hand is not so invisible anymore.
"Tricked into thinkin' your amendments really matter
The right to bear arms was only made for Grizzly Adams
Thinkin' your degree will have everything protected
A ghetto soundin' name, got your resume rejected
And politicians lie, got their clever ways perfected
'Cause puppet masters still control whoever they elected"
Jeszcze raz przeczytam, że w Stanach Zjednoczonych właśnie narodziła się oligarchia, to przysięgam, że mnie pokurwi.
Stany Zjednoczone to jest kraj bogatych właścicieli niewolników. Tak został zaprojektowany i tak funkcjonuje. Tzw. welfare state to była anomalia ze strachu przed Związkiem Radzieckim i od czasów Reagana i upadku Związku Radzieckiego wszystko po prostu powoli wraca do normy.
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] i timorl like this.
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Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦, 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*], Olga Matná-Schrödingerová i Pandka reshared this.
pełna zgoda, ale może warto jasno powiedzieć, że choć jest to "norma" dla USA, nie powinna to być norma nigdzie, bo to jest bardzo gówniana, okrutna norma.
Wiesz, ludzie mogą takie rzeczy różnie odczytywać. 😉
nwm FDR by się z tym nie zgodził
wydaje mi się, że bardziej sensownym podejściem jest to że trudno jest zaklasyfikować to państwo do jednej szufladki, skoro istnieje ono od ponad dwustu lat
Jak na imperium, 200 lat to niemowlęctwo.…
Z drugiej strony wygrana Trumpa teraz wynika z tego, że część wyborców Demokratów nie poszła na wybory, ale też przez to, że dla wielu problemem jest to, że żyją w świecie którego nie rozumieją, albo nie widzą swojego wpływu nań.
Emil Jacobs - Collectifission
in reply to Emil Jacobs - Collectifission • • •I'm reminded of a discussion I had like 20 years ago along very similar lines with a leftist:
Me: I think we should help people switch to Linux, starting with ourselves and our org."
Them: "Oh, nonsense, after the revolution we'll just open source Windows".
This mentality between doing something *now* versus preparing for a *future* revolution, as a sort of atheist rapture moment that fixes everything, is something I've always found particularly unhelpful within leftwing circles. It leads to too much inaction and debate on the 'correct' course, while in my view anyway, it is mostly the people not wanting to invest in doing something *now* that are the real obstacles to helping any movement at all.
Sorry, had to get this off my chest for once.