Two things happened.
Capitalism was invented 400 years ago by England and the Netherlands.
Then, about 100 years ago, the incredible energy bounty — and tremendous profit — of burning fossil fuels was realized.
If those two things had been kept separate, if they had never interacted, our world might look a lot different today.
But, as we know, they were not kept separate. No chance of that. Instead, capitalism was allowed to fully exploit the burning of fossil fuels in order to make massive profits, trillions and trillions of dollars.
And it still continues — even though scientists have been warning for more than 50 years that we are on the road to ruin.
Look at the charts below. An exponential curve. Yet we're constantly being told to calm down, that everything is fine, there's no need to panic. 🤬
#History #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
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"Many types of deceptive pattern are already illegal in the EU and US, depending on the type and context of use ... Businesses that use deceptive patterns are often caught up in legal cases and get hit with big fines and penalties ... We've collected over 400 examples in our hall of shame. The most commonly complained about companies are Google, Facebook, Amazon and LinkedIn."
#DeceptivePatterns #DarkPatterns #DataFarming
Deceptive Patterns (aka Dark Patterns) - spreading awareness since 2010
The original website about deceptive patterns (also known as “dark patterns”) - tricks used in websites and apps that make you do things that you didn't mean to, like buying or signing up for
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] reshared this.
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#ŚlōnskŏGŏdka #ŚlōnskoGodka #ŚlůnskoGodka
Szukam osób wolontariackich, chętnych (i kompetentnych) do tłumaczenia materiałów edukacyjnych z polskiego (w perspektywie z angielskiego) na śląski. Najchętniej w formach inkluzywnych.
Zakres tematyczny: #KatastrofaKlimatyczna #Wszechkryzys #PomocWzajemna #ObronaCywilna (podejście oddolne).
Działania realizowane całkowicie oddolnie, bez finansowania instytucjonalnego, acz we współpracy z miastem #Gliwice.
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8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to Hans-Cees 🌳🌳🤢🦋🐈🐈🍋🍋🐝🐜 • •Hans-Cees 🌳🌳🤢🦋🐈🐈🍋🍋🐝🐜
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •Heres some memes
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