#Israel #Syria #Lebanon #conquer #destroy #settlers
The #Nachala movement — led by Daniella Weiss, who has been spearheading efforts in recent months to resettle #Gaza — expressed a similar sentiment in a post on Facebook: “Whoever still thinks it’s possible to leave our fate in the hands of a foreign actor — forsakes Israel’s security!” it said. “Jewish settlement is the only thing that will bring about regional stability and security for the State of Israel, along with a stable economy, national resilience, and deterrence.
Israeli settlers eye land in Syria, Lebanon
With the Israeli army advancing into Syria following Assad's fall, a group promoting settlements in Lebanon is casting its gaze eastward.Amos Brison (+972 Magazine)
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#Gaza #Israel
At resettlement event, a plan to ‘copy-paste the West Bank to Gaza'
In a military zone near Gaza, settlers, ministers, and MKs called to cleanse and annex the Strip — an idea that is growing mainstream.Jonathan Adler (+972 Magazine)
War in Lebanon has only fueled support for the current government, with Netanyahu’s Likud party winning a clear majority among voters in a recent poll by Channel 12. Although tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets of Tel Aviv this spring and summer demanding the prime minister’s resignation as the war in Gaza dragged on, aggression in the north has been met with widespread support. Yair Golan, head of the new Zionist-left merger of the Labor Party and Meretz and a vocal critic of Israeli strategy in Gaza, has outflanked many on the right in calling for the occupation of southern Lebanon.
#War #Israel #Gaza #Lebanon #Hamas #Hezbollah #Iran #BDS
For Israel’s weary army, war in Lebanon is an attempt to salvage its image
Dystopian displays of technological prowess serve to distract the Israeli public from the military's failure to achieve its long-stated war aims.Ben Reiff (+972 Magazine)
#WestBank #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #LandGrab #RealEstate
The Companies Making It Easy to Buy in a West Bank Settlement
Real estate firms are touring North American cities marketing homes in Israel — and in illegal West Bank settlements.Jonah Valdez (The Intercept)
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#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #WestBank #Aid
Standing Together
Standing Together
‘Solidarity over hatred’: the small band of Israelis stopping settlers obstructing aid trucks
Peace activists confronting settlers acknowledge they are ‘a minority within a minority’Lorenzo Tondo (The Guardian)
Wojsko Izraela niszczy całą Gazę. Rośnie liczba ofiar i dramat cywili i... poparcie dla Hamasu
Liczba ofiar w Gazie zbliża się do 20 tys., czyli prawie procenta mieszkańców Strefy Gazy. Mało kto pamięta już o tygodniowym zawieszeniu broni. Katastrofa humanitarna się pogłębia.Jakub Szymczak (OKO.press)
#Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Quatar
Former Israeli Advisor on Netanyahu, Qatar and Irreversible Damage in Gaza | Ash Meets Daniel Levy | Novara Media
From advising former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to heading up the US / Middle East Peace Project, Daniel Levy has had a front row seat at some of the most consequential peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine in the last two decades.Novara Media
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in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
Oczywiście. Właśnie miałem coś podobnego zawrzeć, ale chyba z osobistej złośliwości, pominąłem. Wywiad jest cenny z perspektywy poznawczej i ludzkiej. Słuchałem go dwa razy, żeby lepiej wejść w buty Leviego. To jest podstawowa zasada, jaką należy stosować słuchając opowieści drugiego człowieka, żeby się cokolwiek dowiedzieć i nauczyć.
#Palestine #gaza #israel #WestBank #Hamas #israeli-palestinianconflict #Fatah #Givemeperspective
Gaza war: how representative is Hamas of ordinary Palestinians?
Hamas rules Gaza with repression and violence and polls show that it does not have the support of ordinary Palestinians.The Conversation
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#gaza #BenjaminNetanyahu #israel-hamaswar #Israeli-PalestineConflict #Israelihostages
Under pressure, Netanyahu agrees to a ceasefire and hostage deal with Hamas. Are his days now numbered?
Despite mounting public anger, the veteran leader has proven time and again that it is not wise to bet against him.The Conversation
in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*] • • •Tam bardzo ciekawe linki są do badań przeprowadzonych przez Palestyńskie centrum badania opinii #pcpsr pcpsr.org/en/node/961 (pdf: pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/… )
Np. po dwóch miesiącach wojny, poparcie dla Hamasu na Zachodnim Brzegu wzrosło ~4x ( z 12% do 44%) i jest już większe niż było w Gazie przez 2023.10.07 . Jaki piękny prezent dla nacjonalistów z Izraela - jak tylko skończą równać Gazę z ziemią .
8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]
in reply to MiKlo:~/citizen4.eu$💙💛 • •