#MSDN #international #medical #volunteer #network
#tactical #tourniquets made easy. #Community oriented #manufacturing facility #COMFY – #ArtelTech. #Liberatory #technology for #activism and the #have-nots
Update: 3D Printing Lab – MSDN
Co z tym #PeerTube ?
jest normalnie skonfigurowany, w polu "Nazwa" ma, co trzeba (patrz screen), A i tak melduje się jako generyczny "peertube".
Also, hasztagi nie przechodzą. Hjalp?
From my works in Greece, 2017...
#pirateradio #FM #DIY #electronic
Anybody wants to start broadcasting? This little device is suitable for:
-- Your squat, village, or neighborhood own pirate radio station.
-- Open event (demo, riot, festival, book fair etc.) coverage to let people know what is going on in the area. Yes, most smartphones and dumbphones HAVE FM radio option!
-- Solidarity broadcasts, for people inside camps, detainment centers, prisons etc. etc.
Do you want one? Talk to me.
1. I did this design for first responders, to be used in hypothermia treatment protocol (see the pic). All other uses are optional, but welcome.
2. Doybag or courier's sealed envelope.