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The context: I am self-hosting Friendica under #Yunohost, so I created a directory at: /home/yunohost.multimedia/petroskowo

Then I opened admin options (Firefox):

Once I click "Save and use", the response is a blank screen at

When I tried the same from my Android / DuckDuckGo browser, I get
"Page ... cannot be loaded, because ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE"

As usually with such cryptic errors my money is on access rights. ls -l shows

drwxrwxr-x+ 2 root               root 4096 Nov  4 18:28 petroskowo

but I do not know if and to what should I change it.

!Friendica Support

I know how to add #alt-text to my #images at the post level (BBCode). But would it be possible to add an alt-text permanently, at the album level? Even if I add a caption to a picture (
it does not show when I embed it.

CW / TW referral link, żebrawka

TW / CW czarny humor, śmierć

Filtrowane słowo: nsfw


Mastodon & Fediverse. Mastodon vs. Fediverse?

Treats for Corvidae?

#Corvidae #Krukowate #PtakiWMieście #BirdsAndTheCity
Hello all #bird lovers.
I am going to start making friends with some #Corvidae, living in our neighbourhood. While I know what to offer to #sparrows we already feed on our balcony (my wife practically adopted a dozen of them), I do not really know what would be a healthy and inexpensive snack for them. Nuts and bigger seeds are obvious, but not cheap. How about soya cubes (I have 10 kilos of it vacuum packed, and we do not actually eat it a lot), dry dog food, raw fish or unsalted fatback?

All advices appreciated.