For the record...
1. #Fediverse is much more than #Mastodon®
2. The de facto monopoly of #Mastodon is unhealthy for its users and for the whole network. (check: 3E strategy)
3. Other platforms and applications exist, and they offer various features and various experience, suitable for various minds.
4. Mastodon is best suited for a mind moulded into Twitter way of thinking. You may wish to stay this way until you die, but you can easily change it now.
Just #JoinFediverse!
Konwersacja bez konfrontacji
Nie znam lepszego startera takiej konwersacji niż ten cytat.
My first #antinazi sweep.
@admin got into a confrontation with the-one-whose-name-we-do-not-mention – purely on anti-capitalist basis. Soon, the thread got rallied by the bunch of #brownshirts, trying to muddle the water by mixing racist manipulation into the topic, effectively diverging from critique of behaviour of the said unnamed person.
That made me raise my first #brownalert, do a sweep defederation (see and create a suitable warning meme (below). Folks, enjoy. And remember: you let one rat in, soon you will get raided by the whole pack. Stay alert and trigger-happy.
#nopasaran #AntiFascist #sueme
Projekt społeczny "Kółka na Fali". Oficjalna prezentacja.
Halo #poznań!
#Niepełnosprawność i #żagle?!
Czy #niewidomi mogą prowadzić #katamaran?
Jak wsiąść do łódki jeżdżąc na 100-kilowym wózku?
Zakręcimy kółka na fali!
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Od 21 do 23 października, na stoisku Fundacji Nowe Żeglarstwo, podczas targów Yacht Salon 2022.