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So, I have a microSD card in my mouse USB hub. I would like to make it my handy #backup in case of the main disk failure, for things like my password manager database, browser config files and some precious resources like rare fonts or LibreOffice templates I made.

My laptop runs #Debian / #KDE, and I am looking for some simple #utility to run the #sync, perhaps with versioning, whenever one of the files on the source list changes.
For other purposes I run #Syncthing, but I canot see a way to use it between two local folders.
OTOH I am not afraid of the console, and I am keen to learn some simple way to #script the task.

in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

the usual way of doing this would be rsync. it is a good tool to know how to use. can quickly get complicated though.

if you would like a GUI to run rsync, the best one by a long mile is LuckyBackup. It can manage versions for you.

I'd advise you to make a separate manual backup of your data while you are learning because you could accidentally delete the source data by mistake.

Which #wiki #farm? We have a #Debian #VPS, where, among others, we wish to have a wiki farm to provide platforms for our various projects, internal and external.
The short list is:
- #Xwiki, with its native farming system, high modularity and and groupware flavour.
- #DokuWiki which is simpler and has a dedicated Farmer plugin.

I am looking for some insight from maintainer/developer perspective, as we will need a lot of customisation, automated workflow, export/import and other bells and whistles. Also, resource intensity?

Please kindly flood me with your opinions. :-)

in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

See… which contains my thoughts as a developer of both XWiki and DokuWiki. Regarding farm support, DokuWiki farms are relatively isolated wikis that share code, configuration and potentially users. On the other hand, in XWiki farms are quite integrated, for example links between subwikis can be easily created and search can work across wikis. Having many subwikis in XWiki makes upgrades harder as there are manual steps in each wiki.

#Debian #KDE #subtitles
I am trying to #subtitle a #video. #subAegis (neither repo nor Flatpak) doesn't want to start.… has no tutorials and the UX is subpar.
KDE Subtitle Composer refuses to open the text file, vaguely hinting possible char encoding problem. Unfortunately KDE resources are all stubs for this app.

So, can someone help me either to get real tutorial for this KDE app, or to find something that both works and is user friendly? I am reluctant to use SAAS.

#Firefox #matrixchat protocol handling question. #Linux #Debian, FF 115.14.0esr

I used to have a matrix client configured in firefox to handle matrix links like .
Then I replaced that client with Element-desktop and have no way to change the delegation.
In config: zone, there is only a boolean matrix=True, nothing else. If I try to add "another app", the path /usr/share/applications/element-desktop.desktop is ignored.

Hjalp, pleese?

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#Debian #Samba #Dolphin #KDE How to log in to the share?

smbclient '\\\Video' --user=xxxx.yyyy/zzzz --password=******* works like a charm with full access, as defined on samba server (Microtic RouterOS).

Now, when I create a remote place via Dolphin, there is no way to enter password and I am given R/O access to the share.

What am I missing?

HP Stream 13-c001nw, Celeron 2,16GHz, 2GB RAM, 32GB SSD - zostałem zaszanghajowany do jego skonfigurowania dla mojej tesciowej. Jako #linuks, jesli nie #Debian lub #mxlinux i z jakim managerem okien (po polsku)?

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#Obsidian #Export #Debian #Pandoc #pdflatex #question

I just installed an Obsidian plugin for multiformat export (…) which uses pandoc.
Pandoc, in turn, needs a pdflatex engine (as a default / recommended). Now, I am struggling to find a way to install pdflatex in Debian. The search for packages brought me to… which manpage mentions pdflatex, but after installation neither CLI nor Obsidian can detect such command.

Is there an easy way to get pdflatex, or should I switc to another pandoc-accepted engine, and which one?

Lucas Roesler reshared this.

Od wczoraj się przesiadłem na #Debian z #KDE Plasma. Bez fajerwerków, ale działa. Jeden problem jest z #FireFox ESR, który po przeciągnięciu z ekranu lapka na zewnętrzny monitor zastyga i trzeba go zamknąć i uruchomić na nowo.

Ktoś ma jakiś pomysł? Szukajka nic nie przyniosła.

in reply to 8Petros [$ rm -rv /capitalism/*]

Z moich doświadczeń KDE Plasma, zarówno 5 jak i 6, jest okropnie zbugowana. Zalecałbym GNOME, albo Sway/LabWC/Wayfire
Za niedługo Xfce oraz Pantheon (elementaryOS) też będą w pełni sprawnymj kompozytorami wayland
in reply to Speaktrap

Przeszedłem na KDE kilka dystrybucji temu (Manjaro, potem Artix) i w sumie mi się podoba. Pocierpię trochę - X11 też robi robotę.